Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Macoy's Surgery

Macoy had his tonsils taken out yesterday. He did so good! He was the only kid who didnt cry in the recovery room. So far the healing process has gone very well! The dr. said that since he always had a sore throat that he would heal very well with out much complaint. Well, the dr. was right! We are on day 2 of the healing process and he hasnt complained once! Im so glad that he is going to feel better! I just hope that he keeps healing so well! He has definately enjoyed getting to eat popsicles all day too! These pictures are after his surgery while he was chomping down on his popsicle.


  1. Poor Guy!! We are glad everything went okay! Hope everyone is doing well. We love you guys.

  2. He is a tough kid!!!! I am glad things are working out!!!!

    luv ya!!!

